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Spring starts indoors!

Now is the perfect time to pre-cultivate plants with a long development time. With a few simple steps, you can kickstart the growing season right now – whether it's pre-cultivating indoors, winter sowing outdoors, or growing in a greenhouse.

Get started growing your own!

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LC: 30% off all cuttings

A cutting is a small twig from a "mother plant" that is put in a small pot. These you can replant in a larger pot and watch grow until spring. In the summer you can put them out on the balcony or terrace.

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Plantasjen – Grow life!

Plantasjen has everything you need to grow life. With us you will find indoor plants, outdoor plants, furniture, tools and inspiration for your next project. With over a hundred stores in Norway and Sweden, we help you get closer to the positive power of nature. Welcome to the Nordic region's most wonderful greenhouse!